Random thoughts

Parties, the corona way

We tried something new last night and grabbed drinks with friends digitally, using the facebook video call feature. And it worked surprisingly well.

Sure, it's maybe not the same as hanging out irl, but it's a pretty great alternative given the circumstances. No one had to go out, no worrying about hand washing or keeping distance, no risk to infect eachother, and everyone could join or leave the call whenever.

I think we'll definitely do this again. 🍺


Random thoughts

Started playing Animal Crossing New Horizons 🥰 This is easily going to become my most played game ❤️


Currently playing


It's taking some time getting used to it on the Switch, but it's fun regardless.


Life updates


Working from home is actually going pretty well. Maybe I'm slightly less focused than on usual WFH days, because there's so much happening right now, but the fact that everything else is on lockdown and cancelled is also giving me a lot more time to work.

I'm getting in more sleep, can work more flexible hours and because there's no commute, I actually have the time and energy for my own projects at night as well 🙌


Currently reading

Children of Virtue and Vengeance


Finished reading

The Song of Achilles

I read this after Circe and was afraid it would not live up to my expectations, but it didn't disappoint at all. I loved it so much, cried on several occasions. Can't wait for more of Madeline Miller's books!
